St. Benitez kills Kalis mag ban...again.


Established Member
Mar 26, 2023
Bibb Co
So, in September 2019, Judge Roger Benitez ruled that Calis mag ban was unconstitutional.

For a week it was possible for Inmates in Kalifornistan to order hi cap mags. Then a different Court stayed that ruling pending appeal. So, appeals began, first to the 9th Circuit, then to the en banc panel of the the 9th. This takes some time. It finally gets to SCOTUS who says essentially "what part of text, history and tradition" as mentioned in NYSRPA vs Bruen decision was incomprehensible to you guys? Fix it."

So they GVRd it back down to the 9th, who GVRd it back to Benitez, who solicited Commiefornias dbag AG to come up with some text, history or tradition, in place in 1791 which would justify a magazine ban. This took much longer than most folks imagined it was going to. Today St Benitez finally released his decision striking down Kalis mag ban. There is a 10 day stay while Kali appeals, which they will, even though they were given months to come up with justification to Benitez.

Odds are that the 9th will simply refuse to hear it. As it's already been heard.

This will give litigants in other states with newer retarded mag bans the legal justification to go after them too.

Good Riddance to garbage tyranny.