Trump or the 2A?


Established Member
Jan 23, 2022
It’s no secret that President Trump worked some magic on our economy. But was he as pro 2A as he claimed to be? And I’m curious to hear if my fellow Alabamians on this forum are as 2A as they think they are. I know I’m not the only one that heard him mention possibly surrendering all the assault rifles and then filtering them back out through “due process” did yalls head explode too? I’ve heard a lot of self proclaimed 2A trumpers talk about give and take in politics, do we give and take with our constitutional rights? Who believes in “common sense gun laws”? The founders believed we NEEDED the right to own whatever firepower we desired for the sake of our freedom. Was the 2A just intended for hunting and self defense? Or was it to protect us from a tyrannical government? If so then why have we allowed it to restrict what we can freely possess?


Established Member
Mar 13, 2021
Troy, AL
I'm probably going to go against the grain a bit here, but personally I think Trump was a HUGE disappointment and is underserving of the vast about of praise he still somehow gets. He's clearly not as pro-2A as he claimed to be on the campaign trail (bump stock ban, "take the guns, due process second", said "I don't like them" regarding suppressors after that one incident in Virginia) and even the one thing he did well, the economy, came crashing down before his term was even over. He failed the drain the swamp (didn't even try, and actively made it worse), failed to build the wall, did nothing to stop the erosion of our rights under the guise of the hoax "pandemic" (and STILL shills for the poison "vaccine" he's so proud of due to Operation Warpspeed), did nothing about the riots (and then tried to BRIBE the black community with the "Platinum Plus Plan"), did nothing to stop the BLANTANT election theft he KNEW was going to happen, and then, most egregious of all, outright BETRAYED his most ardent supporters on Jan 6th, most of whom are still illegally locked up in GITMO-tier conditions to this very day because he was too much of a coward to actually fight for the American people and our future.

We the People voted for a lion, and all we got in return was a fair-weather cub.


Established Member
Feb 8, 2021
I for one, and my wife agree. We are disliked by most Biden and Trump loyalist.
I give credit and criticism where it's due. I have been yelled at by Trumpsters when I say he's not really pro 2A and even when I point out the obvious I receive more hateful lies and excuses. Kind of like when I point out the hypocrisy of bashing pro sports and then making excuses for college.
Let me get back on track- saying Trump is pro 2A is like saying the NRA is pro 2A. What people need to realize is you can't take the last sentence of the 2A and use it for toilet paper, and then claim you're pro 2A. I believe if I want an armed Abraham's tank or an F22 sitting in my driveway and can afford it, then I should be able to have it. If that scares the gov, then the 2A is working as it should. The gov telling us what arms we can bear and how we can bear them is like letting local criminals tell us what security system we can have and when we can have them armed.
People want to talk about compromise, well let's have that conversation. Gun owners have only been the ones to compromise. This includes under presidents such as Ragan, the Bush's, Clinton, and Trump. If you really want the truth, gun rights have been compromised more by Republicans than Democrat's.
ALL gun laws, including background checks are illegitimate and illegal in my opinion.
Well, when I started I told myself "keep it short and sweet", but this is something I'm very passionate about. ;)
Sic Semper Tyrannis.


Established Member
Sep 23, 2022
He is as pro 2A as his kids. He has even stated he should not have listened to some of the staff if he knew how some would backstab him. He was not for a mandated vaccine. It was always an option until Biden got into office. He let me kill ISIS when Obama said to observe and report it. I am pro trump I know he has faults but I see more faults in others that do not know their limitations. He knows where he is weak at because he was not part of the political elite. He just knew how to get the economy moving.