Do you belive in Covid?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
I am listening to ads on the radio and just came across a double ad that was from the Dept of Health - Alabama. Got me thinking if Covid is as bad as they think or make it out to be.

I wear a mask when going in somewhere but I don't if I don't have to.

Do you believe in it?


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
What do you mean specifically by believe in it?

What I believe is that we are not being told the truth about any of it, along with that, politicians are trying to leverage 'the crisis' in any way they can to benefit their agenda.

I know perfectly healthy 40 something year olds that got it and were dead in 4 weeks (more than one)

I know a 26 year old that got it, Drs said she wasn't going to make it, somehow recovered and had to learn how to walk again. Will probably be working through complication for a long time to come.

on the flip side, I know two 70-something year olds with multiple heath conditions that caught it and lived, but were sick for 3-4 weeks (miserably sick they said, worse than anything they had ever had before). They have on-going health issues related to it months after recovery.

Something screwy is going on with whatever this is... how could any of us really know?

I do suspect the thought that was a man altered virus out of china is true. Man made virus's are designed to be less deadly over time, otherwise the group that used it might also die from it at some future point after their enemy is wiped out. So it fits the model.


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Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
Yes I agree that’s why I am asking some have it worse then others and it doesn’t seem to fit any certain criteria. Older people may get it and survive, young get it and are bad off or another younger person may get it and be over it in a day.
I find it just strange about this virus. I personally have not had anyone I know have/had it which if it was as widespread as they say shouldn’t I know at least one?

I wonder if we will hear about it after the election or will it just disappear?


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
knowing someone with it is going to be sort of random I think. 169,000 cases in AL, over what 4.9 million people

I work for a 50,000 plus employee international company, my position (IT manager) inside the company puts me in contact with a large number of people in any given week, so I know a lot of people in a lot of geographic areas.

The international impact and response has me really wondering why this is so politically charged inside the US. For example, my co-workers in Australia have to apply for a special permit from the government to be able to go to their office building in person even for one day (they were all forced to work from home) From what they say, the permit is not easy to get. The UK is starting to let people return to offices now, but they will not allow US employees to visit UK offices citing the US as high risk. lol

I also lived in Virginia prior to living in Alabama, know a lot of people there too (it was a densely populated diverse area, things like this spread faster)

but oddly enough the two 70 + year olds I know that had it are from a smallish town right here in 'Bama ;) (wife;s family)

I do not believe the published death rates are accurate. I do not think there is a high chance of dying at this point in time unless there is something else already wrong with you or you randomly fit the "mystery category" that no one has figured out yet where this virus just eats you alive.

I am more concerned about the misery factor. Being horribly ill for 2-3-4 weeks does not sound like anything I want. Having ongoing breathing issues for months and months does not sound fun either. I personally know people that have had all the above experiences, even young people.

I do not know anyone that has tested positive and has zero symptoms, but with how often I hear of asymptomatic people, I figured I would know one


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
My 3 year old contracted it from someone he came into contact with at the pre-school.

He ran a mild fever for 4 days, mild couch on day 3, Ear Ache on day 4, and 5. And he is back to his normal self with no issues except the ear ache.

I got tested and was neg, wife is neg...... so strange.


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
At 3 years old, not likely to have bad symptoms or anything, so hope he has recovered 100% with no lasting/lingering issues

Amazing that you had a 3 year old with it and you did not catch it yourself. I always felt like anytime in my life when my kids caught something, I caught it shortly after lol (no matter their age)

I have a 17 year old and a 21 year old daughter, many of their friends have had it, most with nothing serious to report, but a few have had longer term (months after recovery) breathing issues.


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Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
So far so good on me and the wife. The worst part of this whole thing for me is being off from work for 14 days if I do contract it.


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
I work from home full time (pre-covid), I have for 3.5 years now (and was part time from home prior to that). I am absolutely less sick not having to go into an office with a couple thousand people in it everyday.

My wife on the other hand is in physical therapy, she was laid off around March 6th, and just went back to work about 3 weeks ago. Late Friday she got a call that one of the office personnel had a child that tested positive.

So all that were in the office were called late Friday and told to get tested. My wife is getting a test tomorrow, we do not know if the office worker is positive yet or not, just her child was, so here is hoping for the best.


Established Member
Feb 12, 2017
Pell City, Alabama

The whole farce is all over the map, and most any death or ICU admits will have COVID listed somewhere for that extra Fed cash, not to mention the timing and attack from the left concerning the election. My aunt was admitted for a CVA (stroke) and the admit and cause of death was... covid. Other examples abound.

To this day I have not worn a mask nor will I wear one.


Established Member
Jan 30, 2016
I think the whole thing is about government control. They closed business down, told people they couldn't travel and needed to stay home (except for "essential" businesses), can't attend church, etc.

They have seen how far they can go before the people start rebelling. I think the COVID19 will miraculously go away in November.


Established Member
Jul 16, 2018
I am listening to ads on the radio and just came across a double ad that was from the Dept of Health - Alabama. Got me thinking if Covid is as bad as they think or make it out to be.

I wear a mask when going in somewhere but I don't if I don't have to.

Do you believe in it?
I believe the Wuhan Corona virus is awful/lethal for any seniors or those with pre-existing conditions. I do not support mandated mask “orders.” Also, I have been very disappointed in my state government officials lack of backbone during these past several months. Their “hands-off” attitude and statements attempting to place all power/responsibility onto the state department of health will reflect at the ballot box shortly.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
I am pretty rock hard for after November we won’t hear about it or it will get worse and everyone is dead.

I wear a mask if I must but I don’t really go anywhere. my kid is over it and back to his normal self in 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
It’s something else. My son got it as you can read, my in-law got it with pneumonia and had to get out on oxygen for a couple of days. It hits each person different.


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
I never posted back to this thread, my wife tested negative


Her parents have both tested positive, mom late 60's with asthma, dad early 70's with a lot of things wrongs with him. They got it while visiting other family that live a 12 hour drive away, all have it. Will be interesting to see what happens

My current boss just went to covid funeral last Friday, his wife's brother got it and died, only pre-existing condition was diabetes, age 59.

Maybe after the election the Drs and scientists can explain why this 'virus' barely affects some while killing others. I still stand by we the general public will never know the truth.


Established Member
Sep 8, 2020
montgomery al
I don't have any criticism of any of the preceding comments, but I have an additional spin on covid which is not addressed. Covid is a plague akin to the plague on Pharoah's Egypt during the Israelite captivity. Moving forward three thousand years or so, Satan knows his time is short and is escalating his attack on mankind and God is allowing the attack as punishment for mankind's violation of the Ten Commandments. The sure cure is in Second Chronicles Seven Fourteen (2 Chron. 7:14). I don't believe November will produce any reduction in the casualties. Nor do I believe this "stiffnecked" people will repent so as to cause God to withdraw Satan's permission to inflict covid. Certainly covid fits into Satan's New World Order agenda and promotes its escalation. Viewers should read The United States and Britain In Prophecy (1986 edition) by the late Herbert W. Armstrong and his subsequent writings. I got my copies on a used book site. Free copies are available from thetrumpet dot com. I'm not affiliated with The Trumpet, except that I generally agree with their beliefs and subscribe to their monthly magazine. Salty


Established Member
Sep 8, 2020
montgomery al
Coronavirus-19 has never been isolated nor seen under an electron microscope. Suppressed medical experts say it doesn't exist. Hospitals label everything coronavirus because they get paid to do so. Global morbidity has not increased in the past decade. Yet, flu has been eliminated as reported by CDC. Flu cases are being labeled coronavirus and are being headlined to frighten the populace into relinquishing God-given Constitutionally-protected rights. Masking, social distancing and lockdowns are tools the Globalist Elites use to measure public gullibility and willingness to accept edicts from our masters in DC. The only remedy for the People is Nullification: ignore and refuse to comply with Covid mandates. Nullification will be met with false-flag terrorist attacks to be blamed on Christian nationalists in order to start a civil war. The Globalists want a civil war to allow USA occupation by foreign (UN) troops. Time is short. Listen to Alex Jones at infowars dot com and learn what's really going on from experts who are suppressed in mainstream media. Ignore CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX which are outlets for Establishment propaganda. For more info, send email to


Established Member
Feb 1, 2016
I tested positive for it in October. It started like a regular cold. So I did the 14 day isolation. I ended up going to doctor on day 12 because I couldn’t breathe was given a steroid shot and sent home with antibiotics and cortisone pills. 2 days later I felt fine. I stayed in isolation and finished the meds I felt better. About 4 days after meds ran out I started having breathing problems like I was sick again. I went back to doctor and was tested again and came back negative. Was given same antibiotics and steroid shot and sent home next day I felt fine. Again took all meds and when they ran out within 3-5 days I would get to where I couldn’t breathe I couldn’t walk across my house. This goes on thru Christmas. Going to ER every 10 to 14 days. Finally got appointment with a lung specialist and now I have been told after many test that I have severe copd. I never had not one breathing problem. Now I have to take a steroid inhaler 2 times a day. But as long as I take it I’m good. Unfortunately that 1 30 day supply inhaler is over 600 with insurance. But hey I guess the good part is I never lost my taste.