Is Civil War Coming Soon?


Established Member
Sep 8, 2020
montgomery al
The Trumpet magazine reports that prophecy indicates that Trump will stay in office. The communists and socialists will react with more crime and destruction. Stock up on nonperishable food, water, emergency supplies (candles, flashlights, LP gas, generators, radios, etc.) and 2nd Amendment items. We may lose electricity, gas, phone, mail, internet, safe travel and life as we have known it. See The Trumpet dot com for more info. Salty Sam


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
saltysam - that is certainly one possibility, good idea to be stocked up on supplies, including any medications you may need.

Its still too early to say what is going to happen, Jan 6th is one key date, but Jan 20th is really the final date per the constitution. A lot can happen between now and then

Election fraud discussions aside (that is a rabbit hole, its clear the courts are not getting involved), Trump has done some very interesting things in the last week or so.

Barr stepping down (pretty sure Trump pushed him)
Jeffrey Rosen now acting AG
Ezra Cohen-Watnick Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board.

and other changes

Trumps executive order on Classified Information use during review of intelligence activities

The explosion in Nashville is somehow connected to something, just no one spilling the beans yet

What I would love to see happen is a whole slew of DC swamp criminals get arrested for information we know is contained in those classified documents, then to see Ezra declassify much of it so the entire public can see why Biden and the top dems are all guilty and being arrested/charged with serious crimes against the US.

Then the issue might resolve in a more peaceful way. If that isn't allowed to happen, then we all might be in for a very rough ride ahead.

Also curious to know where the DNI report is on foreign interference in our election?? seems to be this critical report is past due...


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
I think we have seen both sides dip below the line but, dens have been playing hard for a long time now. I’m not really sure why they hate trump so much that some would destroy the country rather then just be mad.

I would highly recommend stocking up on gear while you can.


Established Member
Dec 13, 2018
Northeast Alabama
Most of congress hates Trump because he’s exposing all the corruption and kick backs from foreign sources on aid money dwelled out by congress. Where else on the planet can one get voted into a position in DC with a sparse bank account and become millionaires in a couple of years?


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
RandallC - not sure entirely of your views on political discussions, appreciate you letting us post up some comments here and there. I know politics can destroy a forum quickly, so just let us know when that limit is reached.


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
@RandallC sounds good!

I like the term election irregularities more than any other.

There appear to be enough questions raised of election irregularities in certain areas of the US that would beg further investigation to anyone seeking the truth, *IF* is was even a possibility to know the truth at this point in time.

I really don't want to go down rabbit holes of tin foil hat theories, but some questionable things have come up on video, and have come from some very credible eye witnesses. I am not 100% sure I have the time to go back and find the exact videos I have seen, but some are very credible people.

I will leave this at a few things about specific irregularities

1. The state of PA made changes to its election laws in their state to allow for covid related mail in ballots to be received and counted.

Q: Did PA follow all proper and legal processes as outlined by their own state laws and constitution when these voter law changes were made?

A: No, they didn't

What does that mean exactly now that the election has come and gone?

If we were men instead of a bunch of crying political correct pussies, we would tell PA to get fucked and that they can't participate in the election simply due to this violation.

2. this website has some interesting stuff, you decide for yourself which has merit if any

and 3rd a comment, this time Wisconsin

WI has a provision that says a voter can claim themselves as "indefinitely confined" (short meaning, they can't travel outside their home due to illness, exempt from showing ID) This status did NOT include covid, this has been on WI books for years

In the 2020 election, roughly 215,000 voters identified as indefinitely confined, This is close to four times more than in the 2016 Election.

There is no way that status is legit for this number of people and these votes need a second look.

Literally this list goes on and on and on in the contested states. The above is just off the top of my head as I type this

The problem is the tin foil hat crew has this wild imagination about 100's of other voter fraud methods that simply have not been proven by anyone credible yet (and I choose those words carefully, they have not been disproven by anyone credible yet either).

As of now many of these irregularities need to be investigated, any position anywhere that a dem (or a RINO) can make the decision, the decision has been made not to investigate. Poor choice, investigate and prove there is no foul play, don't refuse.

One thing is for certain, the Steele dossier and any talk of Russian collusion back in 2016 is all false
The axe should fall on all those involved in the illegal activity. I think you will see the Biden name appear in that list.

Trump may or may not be many things, but the clintons, the obamas the bidens and many others are 100% criminals based on actions we know they took. Why are they not being punished? Where is the media outcry?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
Big money is always the case and I do not follow politics as I should but I read enough to know what’s is what as I think anyone over the age of 18 should especially males for the simple fact as the government controls the army and such so you need to know what’s going on with politics to see the link between that and the draft. I’m not saying that it will happen anytime soon but if someone is behind the desk and makes a mess of things we could see major problems.
I do think there were some questionable actions from voters to investigate it. Trump knows that and his team monitored it which is why he is pushing so hard, it’s not that he doesn’t want to leave but he has the right to fight it.


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
So wasn't today a crazy day? If you missed it, a bunch of people stormed the capitol in DC

We thought 2020 was crazy, 2021 has already topped it


Established Member
Nov 28, 2018
I did not know about the communications shutdown, does not surprise me though
True freedom in the US died a long time ago, most are so busy with their daily lives to notice

China owns most of our politicians and has for a while.

The left and the media have now convinced the world that all conservatives are violent and insane.

2021 is not going to be a good year