Local gun clubs, prepping, survival groups?


Established Member
Sep 6, 2020
Madison County
Hey I was just wondering if anyone knows about any local groups near the Huntsville area. Every militia forum / group I've seen seems to be dead. Just looking to make some buddies and shoot the shit about guns and maybe light talk about politics, maybe go to the range together?
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Established Member
Mar 13, 2021
Troy, AL
I'd advise against looking for a milita online, the ones that advertise are all fed honeypots looking to entrap people. That said I'd also like to find a group to hang out with for the same things; too bad we're on opposite ends of the state.


Established Member
Apr 14, 2021
Red Level, AL
i live in southern alabama (covington county) seems like there's mostly fudds (older men with only .22 rifles to their names) here and those that are gun owners of my age range (mid 20's) arent interested in politics or talking about anything that matters beyond p**sy and rap music, milita groups would be cool as long as it wasnt all Larpers and milsim f*gs, but yeah honeypots are a concern, still id love to have a group to hang with and drink and shoot with.


Established Member
Feb 8, 2021
I live in Jackson county, between Huntsville and Scottsboro.
I too looked for a legit militia to join and was disappointed.
Now, time and funds for ammo limit my availability. But when I have time, I'll chat with someone about "for God and Country" topics, usually gun talk


Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
"Knowledge is Power" & One must be Wise with his Words and most of all his timing when seeking out certain things...Look around you Brothers, I mean really look!!! Look at your neighbors, people you work with, strangers in town, Even certain members of ones family...Do you see where I'm going with this...The Days that we are in are NOT like it used to be...NOR are Most People...& it's NOT for the Better...The Good Book gives us a name for the age we are in: The Good Lord refers to it " As Perilous Times Like NO Other. " Let that sink in real good!!! We've been warned by the Almighty that we are in Perilous Times like NO Other!!! What?!!! Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by Fire. Totally Wiped Out, We All know what Happened in The Days of Noah because of wickedness as well...Totally Wiped Out by Flood!!! And NOW here we are in the Perilous Days Like NO Other!!! What's Next?!!! Well that'll have to be a topic for another Day...but I will say this...Take Heed to what's happening with all this Leftists Propaganda and it's push to take over our Country and the World...It truly is Biblical in its proportion and has been fully detailed throughout the scriptures...You can call it the NWO or The New Age or whatever you wish...It just boils down to its Satans Final Attempt to Steal as many Souls as he can while taking over the World in the Process...Why? Because that's his Job: His Job is to Kill, Steal and Destroy!!! Look in the eyes of his followers on a Daily Basis...They are all around you everywhere...Have you ever looked in the eyes of Pelosi, Schumer, Sheila Jackson Lee, just to name a few...Google Nancy Pelosi's eyes pics...No different than looking into the Cold dead eyes of a Shark!!! This is Real my Brothers, Wake Up, We are in a War, It's not only a war on our Freedoms but it's a War for your Soul!!!You cannot do it alone nor can you do it with a Group of Good Ole Boys all with differing opinions and agendas...That will Divide and Conquer its self as soon as any Pressure is applied...Now, What you must have is The Knowledge of What is happening and Why!..Through that Knowledge is the Real Power that you must have to survive what is coming...As you gain that Knowledge that only comes from the one Book that has continued to exist throughout all time and history...Even beyond the futile attempts of Murdering All of its Believers, trying to round up All of the Bibles and Burn Them by many Wicked Kings and Queens and their Evil Zealots...It has continued to Survive just like God Promised in its Pages...That Alone Proves there is a God!!! The Powers That Be have never had a problem removing from Society other Books that they deemed dangerous or unworthy!!! Think About That!!! Why couldn't they destroy the Word of the Lord? Because He IS GOD and He is The Final Authority!!! He promised that the Word would not Depart and it would be Preserved forever and He Cannot Lie...That Alone should "Give you Chills" if you know anything about what you just read and the history of the Murder and Martyrdom of those before us who carried the Banner of Truth in the Word of God...Food for Thought!! You see, you cant put a Patent on the Living Word of God, because you are NOT the Author, The Almighty is! Well, since the Evil Ones haven't been able to rid the World of the written Word of God through the wars,murders, burning and stealing throughout history...Guess What?, Going back to the patent that they can't get on THE BIBLE...What do they do instead?!!! They write their own Evil & Wicked Versions literally altering and changing the Living Word of God and call it THE Bible...Blasphemy!!! Woe unto All of Them Wicked Sinners!!! That's why you have all of these Versions: nsv, new living, new revised standard, asv, new english, etc. just to name a few...You see they can get a patent on these pieces of trash books because they are all full of lies and manipulations written by them to trick you and your families in Hopes of Stealing Your Souls!!! They are NOT Bibles Inspired by God....They are Books of Deception!!!! So be careful where you garner the Truth in these Perilous Times...Be Wise and Pray for the Spirit of Discernment. Once you have The Knowledge and are Walking in the Discernment my Brothers everything Opens up just like turning on a light switch...You begin to SEE Everything for what it is and You will NOT be Fooled!!! Then the Good Lord will Bless you with the Company of Like Minded (Soldiers) Brothers whom are Led & Strengthened by his Holy Spirit. Then my Brothers you are part of the Army that cannot and Will NOT Ever be Defeated....Why? Because the War is already Won and the Victory is Ours!!! All we have to do is Stay Faithful and Finish the Course until the end. You see the same Power that was given to the Little Boy David to Kill the Giant Goliath is waiting to be Given Unto Us as We Ban Together in One Accord with the Almighty for the War of all Wars...The Word tells us that during this Great Time of Sorrow that Mens (unbelievers) Hearts will Fail Them at the very Sight of what is upon them...Lost People when they see the Great Calamity and Bloodshed before their very eyes their Hearts will STOP Beating out of Fear!!! It will be like nothing ever seen or heard of in the history of mankind...Wow!!! Do you get the Full Picture here?!!! Theres ONLY One Preparedness Group and Only One Great Legit Militia Group that can withstand whats coming!!! All those seeking Refuge with this Survival Mentality without being part of the Lords Called Out Ones will Absolutely NOT Make it...The Whole World of Non Believers will be Destroyed....Fact...Guaranteed!!! The Almighty Cannot Lie and He Will Not be Mocked...Vengence is His and Payback is Sure!!! Be NOT Deceived my Brothers, There is Great POWER when you have the Knowledge & Understanding of the Lord...It will provide you with the Peace that Passes All Understanding!!! So in this hour of Chaos and Confusion stay calm and seek the Wisdom that has been brought before you within the Scriptures. So that you too Shall Become One of The Chosen Few who in these Perilous Times that can Look to the Father and Know That You and your Household will be Preserved while all of the Worlds Wicked & Unbelievers will be Destroyed!!!
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Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
Dfalt said:
So I've been asked to elaborate on the subject of finding and joining groups; here's my take. If some group (milita, prepper group, etc.) is openly advertising their existence, especially online, DON'T JOIN IT'S A TRAP. The Feds love to infiltrate (or even set up) groups like this to get people like us who are interested in preserving our rights and society and either get people to do or admit to doing illegal things they arrest them for later. You don't have to even do anything illegal; they'll consider you guilty by association just for being in the group! Even if they don't spring the trap right away they'll use the group to keep tabs on people they deem dangerous to their rule. This doesn't mean all is lost and that we shouldn't be resisting in our own ways and preparing for the times ahead however; but it's paramount to do this in secret with people you personally know and trust. As far as anyone else knows, you're just a group of friends who like to hang out on the weekends and that's how it needs to stay. It's also crucial to build up relationships in your local community with like-minded people as these can go a long way. I realize all of this is easier said than done especially in today's age and will admit that I haven't been able to apply any of it in practice but I believe the theory holds up and should be a goal for all of us to reach.

Sleepy4Sure said:
Absolutely my Brother...Great Comments...If you'll notice that everything you just mentioned I already touched on above except I was doing so according to the Scriptures in such a way that when you realize that Without the Power of the Almighty No one person or Group will ever have a chance to Survive what is coming..When you seek out the Father he brings together those like ourselves Dfalt who realize who the real authority is and in submitting to him allows us to be led by the Holy Spirit which Gives Us Incredible Unmatched Power that you can't get anywhere else..Its the only Legit Militia that Can and will Survive...Guaranteed...When he brings his Soldiers together in one accord like we are speaking of then the same God Given Unmatched, Undefeated, Power that was Given to Our Founding Fathers who were 90% Christian will be Given Unto Us!!! Those that are weak in Spirit and those that are lost cannot Grasp the Power that we are Speaking of...When you bring the Truth of the Almighty into their worldly minds and way of thinking they start getting insecure because their power is in their preps, ammo, Ak's, ARs, and the rest of their Survival Gear...They are Lost and you have to feel sorry for them and reach out and give them the Real Knowledge and Power that They MUST have to Go With Those Stores of Munitions and Arms!!! A True Warrior and Man of God will Prepare and Be Ready to defend his Home and His Country with Arms but that same Warrior is in total Submisson to The Father being led by his Holy Spirit knowing that then he and his Fellow (Believers) Brothers cannot be Defeated...Why? Throughout the long History of the War of Independence do we read of George Washington bowing his knees and Praying...Why? Was he weak, scared, NO!!! He was BOLD and STRONG being led by the Holy Spirit!!! otherwise you and I would NOT be here today having this Conversation!!! He wasn't the only one that prayed, you can read of the other Generals, Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, whole Military Brigades, on their knees in Prayer....That's why we are Free and Have this Great Nation...The Same Power that was given to the little Boy David to Kill the Giant that I mentioned was given to our Christian Forefathers!!!! Those of weak mind and spirit want so badly to hang that Militia tag on their movement or group in order to feel strong and secure thats because they are lost...If they were in a group of true believers who were being prepared and getting ready the last thing they would be concerned with is being called a milita...Real Warriors don't need a name for their group...Why? Because they know who they are and whom they serve and they know when the time comes the Victory is theirs....It's already Won...You just have to be wise enough in the Spirit to be led to the right Group of Men to Fellowship with!!! God Bless...
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Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
God Bless My BOLD Brother Tator!!!! You are True Soldier Brother NOT Afraid to Proclaim the Almighty and His Word!!!! God Bless You and Your Household Tator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
ADMIN: :rolleyes: Theres Plenty of Room for ALL to Comment as They Wish....Are we trying to Diminish our Free Speech and Thought because we Don't Agree or Like The Expressions of Some???? Are we seeking to Turn this Community into a Zone of Censorship?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
I think we need to stay on topic.

prep, edc, survival is all stuff I am also into. I am inside of groups but I do follow some blogs for it.
One I like is:

I also read a bit from looserounds.com there was another blog about guns but he mainly does videos now.

when I have time I like to write at my own blog.

there use to be a website for militia but I never found a good group. I highly suggest going to your local gun range and seeing about events and groups meets and that may be the best way to meet like minded people.


Established Member
Sep 6, 2020
Madison County
I think we need to stay on topic.

prep, edc, survival is all stuff I am also into. I am inside of groups but I do follow some blogs for it.
One I like is:

I also read a bit from looserounds.com there was another blog about guns but he mainly does videos now.

when I have time I like to write at my own blog.

there use to be a website for militia but I never found a good group. I highly suggest going to your local gun range and seeing about events and groups meets and that may be the best way to meet like minded people.
Hey that's cool. Sorry, just tired of my threads being hijacked by politics or religion and I am a religious person.


Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
Well I mean militias and prepping are an inherently political topic especially right now
Stand Strong My Bold Brother, There was only one that was Perfect and They Crucified Him!!! Theres more education and talk about Militas in this thread by you and I then anyone else!!! We're ON TOPIC!!!!!!! God Bless You Defalt!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
Hey Zero, Let me begin by copying and pasting your own words in the opening to this thread: Here Goes!!!

"Hey I was just wondering if anyone knows about any local groups near the Huntsville area. Every militia forum / group I've seen seems to be dead. Just looking to make some buddies and shoot the shit about guns and maybe light talk about politics, maybe go to the range together?"

Now, I'm not going to beat you up with your own words because we are all Brothers here and we're here to lift one another up and help each other out...You Know, Be our Brothers Keeper!!!"
But Listen and Listen Well!!! I don't have a Big Problem with you contacting Admin on me accusing me of HiJacking...LOL!!! I know who has my Back!!! Because The Word written herein will Stand Alone and Stand Strong...You See the Truth will Stand The Test of Time...Why? Because it's "The Truth"!!!! Now my problem comes in when you Attack my Brother Dfalt. That's NOT Going to Happen!!! You See, He's my Brother and I'm his Keeper!!!!!!!! Everyone can plainly read in your own words that you were willing and even seeking out Talk on POLITICS!!! and then you try to mount an attack on Dfalt for being Political!!!!!! Get REAL!!! Ain't going to Happen!!! If the shoe were on the other foot and Dfalt were doing that to you, then I would be Proclaiming the Same Message Defending You!!!! Now, if you'll go back to the thread that you claimed was being HIJACKED by Me and Take the time to really Read and Understand the info. Then you will see that Brother Dfalt was Right on Key and So was I!!!! I removed the link that I was including to send the reader to further info. about Militias and the Day and Hour in which we are Living and I inserted just a small portion of what the reader would have obtained had they followed the link that YOU Claimed was HIJACKING!!! You'll notice that Brother Dfalt had put alot of Thought and Effort into sending you some worthy info on Militias and what surrounds them and then of course what I Sent you was What the Lord was Leading me to Share with You...You See, I asked the Father to Lead Me in the Things that I Should Bring Forth to You before I ever attempted to Respond... I encourage you to Slow Down and Read before you Jump to Judgement against your Brothers!!! We were taking the time to try and Help You and Others with Information that you requested but because it had Biblical Truth in it you had a Problem!!! Woe unto you!!! When you have Brothers who Care Enough to take the time to Shed Light on the Things that Concern you and then you ATTACK Them!!! God Forbid!!! Now Listen Brother there are NO Hard Feelings on our End toward you because We All Make Mistakes!!! But the Truth had to be Brought Forward!!! Chaos is a Weapon of the Enemy and Cannot be Tolerated!!! Let the Truth and Facts Speak for Themselves....May We All Learn from the Lessons Herein Whereas We Must Always Remember That We are Our Brothers&(Sisters) Keeper!!! God Bless!!!!! :oops:
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Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
Hey I was just wondering if anyone knows about any local groups near the Huntsville area. Every militia forum / group I've seen seems to be dead. Just looking to make some buddies and shoot the shit about guns and maybe light talk about politics, maybe go to the range together?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
Guys, no one has said this thread was hijacked.

@sleepy4sureishere I didn’t even know this thread was going until you sent me a link. Your link was fine it’s a good topic to have on its own but not in the middle of this topic.

I see what everyone is saying but I feel as he is using that word militia broadly. Most militia aren’t even around anymore and if they are they are not what they use to be which in this instance I took it for @Zero looking for groups of people in the like minded status that want to meet up over at the range or similar and just be a group of friends. We all look for that niche we fit into and he is looking for it.

I understand that religion is a big thing. I am Christian, most people I associate with are Christian. With that being said, not everyone wants to talk being a man of god at every chance.
As always if there are any issues my door is always open to talk but I think we are good at the moment. Zero is just looking for friends that’s local that he can shoot the bull with.


Established Member
Feb 1, 2016
There is a couple of bigger militia groups in Alabama with very active zones. They do get together and train. It’s not all about guns. They include Ham radio training,Medical,prepping/survival. They have very extensive vetting process. And have chapters in almost every state.


Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
There is a couple of bigger militia groups in Alabama with very active zones. They do get together and train. It’s not all about guns. They include Ham radio training,Medical,prepping/survival. They have very extensive vetting process. And have chapters in almost every state.
Good Point Rider and You can rest assured that every member is Very Well Known if you know what I mean...I believe Dfalt used the terminology HoneyPot!!!


Established Member
Feb 1, 2016
I go to CMP Talladega marksmanship park every week. Not always the same day but I go every week. My wife and I sometimes my son if he is off. If anyone wants to come shoot and hang out your more then welcome to join us. It’s a great place to shoot. Fairly cheap. We enjoy it.

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