Machine Gun Anyone???


Established Member
Mar 13, 2021
Troy, AL
I wonder what they called a conversion device in the Anderson.300 blk
Noticed that too. They call out the Anderson by name but then mention a "glock switch" specifically for a Glock 33 without ever going back to the Anderson.


Established Member
Jan 20, 2024
I am off the camp that all firearms laws are illegal, including background checks.
I agree with you.
Unfortunately, once a society starts accepting "licenses" in the name of safety, for sure, down the line there will be a loss of freedom - total or partial.
Driving a car to work should also be under the right to travel and not subject to a driver's license where it is not just granted once, but literally now we don't own our cars, the government owns that property ( license plate ) and car insurance is another elements of the infringement on the right to travel.
Driving to work is not a priviledge.


Established Member
Oct 29, 2020
From what I understand this is a very limited decision and will likely be challenged regardless.

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Alex Martinez

Active Member
Premium Member
Feb 1, 2016
I agree with you.
Unfortunately, once a society starts accepting "licenses" in the name of safety, for sure, down the line there will be a loss of freedom - total or partial.
Driving a car to work should also be under the right to travel and not subject to a driver's license where it is not just granted once, but literally now we don't own our cars, the government owns that property ( license plate ) and car insurance is another elements of the infringement on the right to travel.
Driving to work is not a priviledge.
Up until the year 1915, no license was needed to drive, hunt, fish, attain water, build any structure. Slowly We the Peoples elected politicians have deemed them selves our betters and attached licensing to dang near everything. We the People are no longer represented by the elected. We are in a dang mess and now the political class in moving in to finally quash our freedoms.


Established Member
Jan 20, 2024
Up until the year 1915, no license was needed to drive, hunt, fish, attain water, build any structure. Slowly We the Peoples elected politicians have deemed them selves our betters and attached licensing to dang near everything. We the People are no longer represented by the elected. We are in a dang mess and now the political class in moving in to finally quash our freedoms.
I agree with you completely.
We gave our freedoms away in the false name/under the cover/disguise of safety ( environmental protection ).


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
They are not banned, nor have they ever been. In 1934 they knew they couldnt ban they taxed them beyond the ability of all but the elite, to attain them.
As inflation made them actually accessable to the common man, and prices kept coming down due to cutting edge manufacturing, they infringed again in 1986.
No more manufacturing. You can manufacture them for us, but not for the peasants. Thus, driving the price back up, by thhrottling the supply. This wa the result of republican compromisers doling out cake that wasnt theirs and labeling it compromise.
Ill tell you what camp im in.
The men who formed this country and wrote tje second amendment, were not protectingvyour right to own a squirrel rifle.
They were specifically protecting and enshrining your right to own any and every military arm.....including crew served weapons.
Dont build that nuclear strawman and stand him up. Its just silly. But yes, i believe they intended individuals to own tanks ships and airplanes.
Private, heavily armed ships were used in wars up to and including the war between the states. If im not mistaken.....some private ships were armed and used in both world wars.

Oh and to clarify. There is no license requirement under the words "shall not be infringed". That includes supply of ammunition especially so.
Look at the difference in "shall" and "will". They are not the same word. That was by design.
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Established Member
Aug 13, 2024
I agree with you completely.
We gave our freedoms away in the false name/under the cover/disguise of safety ( environmental protection ).
Up until the year 1915, no license was needed to drive, hunt, fish, attain water, build any structure. Slowly We the Peoples elected politicians have deemed them selves our betters and attached licensing to dang near everything. We the People are no longer represented by the elected. We are in a dang mess and now the political class in moving in to finally quash our freedoms.
I agree with you on most of what you wrote, but must disagree on the way you hinted that hunting and fishing licenses are a negative thing. In 1915 most game and nongame animal populations were severely depleted. Some almost extinct, some completely extinct, like the Eskimo curlew and many others, including the passenger pigeon. Today there are more deer than when Columbus arrived, many animal species have rebounded enormously, some are present in states where they had never been, and critical habitats have been preserved everywhere. And this tremendous success in game conservation is due to the funds derived from hunting licenses and excise taxes on guns, ammo and hunting accessories, and to laws and regulations that, yes, limited the freedom to kill without limits and without seasons whichever species one encountered in the field or the woods, or the coastal waters or the swamps.
And yes, some other freedoms were limited--such as the freedom to dry swamps and cut trees indiscriminately, to tranform pristine areas vital to the survival of many species into agricultural land or residential areas, the freedom to buy and sell game animals, the freedom to hunt with electronic devices, live decoys, shotguns capable od shooting more than three shells, and fully automatic rifles, except when used to eradicate harmful invasive species

Freedom is a great thing, when people take advantage of it in a positive, constructive manner instead of exploiting it in a selfish and harmful manner--be it because of greed or ignorance.


Established Member
Mar 26, 2023
Bibb Co
The Pittman-Robertson Act excise taxes are just another trough of extorted money that states use to expand their power. A tiny bit of it goes to habitat and wildlife, most goes to the mindless Bureaucracy and having armed thugs selectively enforce "game law" which, if you've ever had contact with it, is the closest thing to a POLICE STATE, which has ever existed....

Intent? Ireelevant.
Evidence? Irrelevant.

D-bag game cop says you were Unicorn Hunting with a full auto? 99.9% chance you will be convicted.

I got a 400 dollar ticket for "turkey hunting" when I never held a rifle or shotgun that day, and never left the back porch. What I did was talk back to the JBT and told him he had 60nsecinds to leave or he would be treated like any other armed trespasser.

I DESPISE the Excise taxes, their ridiculous application to ALL ammo and ALL guns, most of which are totally unsuitable to FUDD nonsense.


Established Member
Jan 20, 2024
Freedom is a great thing, when people take advantage of it in a positive, constructive manner instead of exploiting it in a selfish and harmful manner--be it because of greed or ignorance.
Government trust is a great thing when government acts in a positive, constructive AND responsible, trustworthy manner instead of exploit in a self SERVING and harmful manner - be it because of greed or abuse of power.

I do not believe we need to surrender our individual sovereignty to an authoritarian body.
For many centuries man has lived in harmony with nature and communities have taken care of rogue, irresponsible individuals in their midst - even nature takes care of eliminating such individuals otherwise known as the "natural selection" method.

American fresh water has accumulated so much residuals, pesticides and heavy metals that all fresh water fish are now toxic if eaten regularly and in large amounts.
This can be proven by measuring and it has been done.

This will affect all species that drink and eat from American fresh water.

Thanks to the facade which is environmental protection.

The government protection and "care" of our habitat is much like the psychotic nurse that cares for its patient by giving medicine and treatment that keeps the patient alive but never fully recovering so she is never out of her role/job.

I could go on to pharma and medicine and medical care also, but too large of a topic but I believe dependency on government bodies, aka, institutionalized medicine has also prevented mankind from deriving many natural cures and healthy treatment from our environment - from nature.

Our society's relationship with the government is a sick one, in my opinion.

The most important species that is going extinct is man.
Individual sovereignty.
A man that is truly autonomous is all but dead.


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
American fresh water has accumulated so much residuals, pesticides and heavy metals that all fresh water fish are now toxic if eaten regularly and in large amounts.
This can be proven by measuring and it has been done.

This will affect all species that drink and eat from American fresh water.

This is a psy op.
Our water and fish are cleaner than they have been since before the industrial revolution.
Tuna have always had mercury in them, and every other large fish.
They dont want you to eat the kings fish.
Youhonestly think fish from western carolinas clear cold water lakes are more contaminated than that farmed swai from some asian nation they wont even name on the package?
When our debt comes due, they are gonna let foreign cuntries come in here and plunder our rivers and coastlines.
They already let them do it in Cjesapeake bay back in the late 70s.

Who sets the mercury limit?
If your selenium uptake is balanced. Elemental mercury that NATURALLY occurs in fish will not bother you.
Theres hundreds of milliins of folks that eat these "danger" fish every day, to no ill effect. Matter of fact, they are a hell of a lot healthier than the average american.

Catch and release propaganda wasnt working, they had to tell you its unsafe.

Dont believe me?
How bout some raw milk?

They want to control every mouthful you consume.


Established Member
Jan 20, 2024
This is a psy op.
Our water and fish are cleaner than they have been since before the industrial revolution.
Tuna have always had mercury in them, and every other large fish.
They dont want you to eat the kings fish.
Youhonestly think fish from western carolinas clear cold water lakes are more contaminated than that farmed swai from some asian nation they wont even name on the package?
When our debt comes due, they are gonna let foreign cuntries come in here and plunder our rivers and coastlines.
They already let them do it in Cjesapeake bay back in the late 70s.

Who sets the mercury limit?
If your selenium uptake is balanced. Elemental mercury that NATURALLY occurs in fish will not bother you.
Theres hundreds of milliins of folks that eat these "danger" fish every day, to no ill effect. Matter of fact, they are a hell of a lot healthier than the average american.

Catch and release propaganda wasnt working, they had to tell you its unsafe.

Dont believe me?
How bout some raw milk?

They want to control every mouthful you consume.
What evidence do you have the water and fish has been cleaner than it has since the industrial revolution?

Tuna is salt water.

It wasn't a comparison between American fresh water and farmed fish.

It was a statement that can be backed up by tests that the run off from farmland and people's properties and all the round up and pesticides that go on their lawns.
The total amount of glyphosate applied to American soil alone is 1.8 million tons.
That is just one herbicide.
There are many more beyond these, most even worse.
There are people that even believe pesticides are sprayed from the sky.
I just look at facts.
1.8 million tons will run off somewhere.

There is nothing wrong with raw milk.
It is better for us than pasteurized.
Again, I wasn't talking about salt water fish, only fresh water.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Oct 23, 2020
As a chemist with extensive water related experience, I can confirm that the current water supply in the US in general is much safer than it was 100 years ago. This statement is not true for many places in the world that struggle with sanitation and water supply. The US, with the exception of the Southwest, is very advantaged from a water supply standpoint. Doesn’t mean it’s perfect or there aren’t any issues. It also comes down to where the water is vs historical industrial operations or contamination points. Certainly things like microplastics, pesticides, glyphosates, “PFAS”, heavy metals, etc are present in some water supplies.

Having said the above, one should review water supply test results and in some cases installing a RO system is advisable on a municipal water supply. This view it’s similarly true for some well water. I am fortunate to have both options on my property but that won’t be true for most people.


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
What evidence do you have the water and fish has been cleaner than it has since the industrial revolution?

I worked in the water and wastewater industry at the highest level for 32+ years.
Im in the way of knowing.
We didnt even treat most wastewater until the 50s, and then it was rudmentary for the most part. The activated sludge process was invented at the turn of the 20th century, but it would be another 50-60 years until proper wastewate treatment was common.
Polio wasnt cured with a vaccine. Wastewater is the number one spreader of polio.
Just like the climate bullsh@t, there is no baseline on mercury levels. We cant possibly know the "historical" levels without a baseline.
In a nutshell more junk science, with an agenda, preconcieved notions and or both.
Add to that, the changing of exposure limits.
They HAVE been all that historical data you think you have, will be conveniently ignored.
This is not new.
Just like "zero carbon".
The water isnt just cleaner than it was 100 years ago, much of it is cleaner than it was 200 years ago.

S you dont think there is mercury in bass in clearwater mountain lakes?

You are out of your element.

There is nothing in our fish fresh or salt that wasnt in them 150 years ago.

Source? The sources are vast, convoluted, and a hell of a riddle to anyone who hasnt made water their livlihood.

I am jst telling you what i know from studying data for 32+ years. And being an encyclopedia of wastewater history.

Eat the fish, or dont. More for me.
I dont usually talk about it, cause folks for some rrason hate being shown theyve been duped, and will often attack the messenger.

I could explain how i know from all the mercury studies i was involved in for 25 years at just one particular plant. Its boring, im retired, and i know enough not to care.

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