Machine Gun Anyone???


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
Certainly things like microplastics, pesticides, glyphosates, “PFAS”, heavy metals, etc are present in some water supplies.
All "emerging" pollutants, except heavy metals.
Heavy metals are pesky, in that the limits have been lowered numerous times over 5 decades.
Trihalomethanes? Newspaper fodder. Carcinogenic.....till you actually look at the limits, and can even understand what you are dealing with.
These are always one of my favorite to use as an example. When i was dealing with this, if memory serves, double the limit at that time, youd have to drink 1000gallons a day, to increase your cancer risk by fractions.

The number one dangerous thing in your water today, if your water source is subject to any wastewater discharge, at any point. Pharmacueticals. There are few processes in use that can deal with them, and we only recently started to look at them.


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
The limit care set purposely low for safety sake.
You cant physically eat enough fish for it to be a danger.
If you could, mercury poisoning would be an epidemic in places where these fish are consumed in great quantity by self sufficient peoples.
And Western NC is one of those places.


Established Member
Mar 26, 2023
Bibb Co
I worked in the water and wastewater industry at the highest level for 32+ years.
Im in the way of knowing.
We didnt even treat most wastewater until the 50s, and then it was rudmentary for the most part. The activated sludge process was invented at the turn of the 20th century, but it would be another 50-60 years until proper wastewate treatment was common.
Polio wasnt cured with a vaccine. Wastewater is the number one spreader of polio.
Just like the climate bullsh@t, there is no baseline on mercury levels. We cant possibly know the "historical" levels without a baseline.
In a nutshell more junk science, with an agenda, preconcieved notions and or both.
Add to that, the changing of exposure limits.
They HAVE been all that historical data you think you have, will be conveniently ignored.
This is not new.
Just like "zero carbon".
The water isnt just cleaner than it was 100 years ago, much of it is cleaner than it was 200 years ago.

S you dont think there is mercury in bass in clearwater mountain lakes?

You are out of your element.

There is nothing in our fish fresh or salt that wasnt in them 150 years ago.

Source? The sources are vast, convoluted, and a hell of a riddle to anyone who hasnt made water their livlihood.

I am jst telling you what i know from studying data for 32+ years. And being an encyclopedia of wastewater history.

Eat the fish, or dont. More for me.
I dont usually talk about it, cause folks for some rrason hate being shown theyve been duped, and will often attack the messenger.

I could explain how i know from all the mercury studies i was involved in for 25 years at just one particular plant. Its boring, im retired, and i know enough not to care.

Proof of how reticent folks are to admitting they were duped, just look at all those dimbulbs who took all those jabs, watching people drop dead in their athletic prime, still engaged in mental gymnastics to justify that they did not possess the courage to simply refuse the toxic clot shot.



Established Member
Mar 26, 2023
Bibb Co
Further, I'll state what I've stated to every gov-loving Boomer and idiot Millenialtard who gleefully gorged on the fear porn emanating from their Talmudvision during the scamdemic.

I'm an ardent student of History. I've consumed voraciously, countless commentaries and narratives about Societies and cultures...and Gov tendencies therein.

Never, ever, in the History of mankind, has anything the Gov/Media/Mediquack/Pharma/God Cartels, individually or joined their unholy alliances, sought to frighten, coerce, bribe, threaten, compel, cajole, shame or intimidate citizens into subjecting themselves to, NEVER, has that thing been beneficial to those citizens.

5 years ago, no one except Cardio specialists ever knew the term pericarditis, myocarditis etc...and the inane term SADS wasn't even a thing.


Established Member
Aug 13, 2024
However, regardless of opinions as to the safety of water and fish, I know an infallible method of eliinating mercury from the flesh of large fiish on top of the food chain and, therefore, likely to have mercury in their flesh. Let' say you caught a tuna or a swordfish, the species more likely to contain mercury. As soon as you catch it, ask your friendly butcher to let you hang the fish by the tail in his refrigeration cell. Leave the fish there for 48 hours. All the mercury will go down to the head the same way as it goes down to the bottom of a thermometer when it's freezing.
Then cut off and discard the fish's head, and eat the rest without any worry.


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
However, regardless of opinions as to the safety of water and fish, I know an infallible method of eliinating mercury from the flesh of large fiish on top of the food chain and, therefore, likely to have mercury in their flesh. Let' say you caught a tuna or a swordfish, the species more likely to contain mercury. As soon as you catch it, ask your friendly butcher to let you hang the fish by the tail in his refrigeration cell. Leave the fish there for 48 hours. All the mercury will go down to the head the same way as it goes down to the bottom of a thermometer when it's freezing.
Then cut off and discard the fish's head, and eat the rest without any worry.

Thats pretty good!
Funniest thing ive read in a while.


Established Member
Sep 2, 2023
Ill tell you a real interesting mercury removal method we started using about 4 years before i retired.
Gore Tex.....i sh@t you not.
it will absolutely soak up non elemental mercury.
But then you gotta dispose of the GoreTex after the filters are saturated with non ELEMENTAL mercury.

Edit to add. Im tired.
Last edited:


Established Member
Jan 20, 2024
I wasn't talking about mercury.
I wasn't talking about salt water.
I wasn't talking about drinking water.

My landlord said I could fish on the pond in his property where I rent.
I see his men spray round up over 3 acres all over his land.
I see the run off downhill to the pond.
Many years of common sense tell me not to catch fish from that body of water and eat it on a regular basis.

Anyone reading this thread can research the many herbicides that have been used in farmland in America and observe run off.

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