Murder charge dropped after "Stand your Ground" hearing


Established Member
Jan 29, 2016
First, it's a shame we have to defend ourselves in a good shoot.
Second, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER talk to the police or anyone without an attorney. He "asked for an attorney but continued talking voluntarily."? Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Third, racial slurs? Bullshit. Total misdirection. Play the race card.

Most important point is the second. Articulate you will not answer questions and you are exercising your 5th amendment rights. Talk to your attorney first! I cannot say this strongly enough.


Established Member
Jan 7, 2021
S. Huntsville, AL
First, it's a shame we have to defend ourselves in a good shoot.
Second, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER talk to the police or anyone without an attorney. He "asked for an attorney but continued talking voluntarily."? Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Third, racial slurs? Bullshit. Total misdirection. Play the race card.

Most important point is the second. Articulate you will not answer questions and you are exercising your 5th amendment rights. Talk to your attorney first! I cannot say this strongly enough.
I express this all the time with my wife and at Shows like "First 48hrs".
It's "Lawyer, STFU, Lawyer, Idiot close your pie hole, Lawyer, damned people are stupid".


Established Member
Jan 29, 2016
This is 46 minutes long, but the guy talks really fast and is very entertaining. This is an excellent discussion about not talking to the police.

This is an attorney I follow on YT who regularly posts on our 4th and 5th Amendment rights.

Remember, there is an entire generation between the police we have now and the police we had 25-30 years ago. There have always been a few bad apples, but the good and honorable have always been the standard. Now, after all the political and woke education and the mandatory vaccination status driving the good and honorable out or to retirement, the police (and military) we have now is not the same. There are still good and honorable deputies and officers, but I do EVERYTHING I can to avoid interaction. The chance of encountering some bad apple, power-tripping asshole is simply too high now.

The bottom line is know your rights and know when to fight. The time to fight is rarely on the side of the road or at your house. Many times it's in court with charges thrown out and civil judgments against the police.

I don't envy the police. It's a hard and dangerous job. I'm simply not going to make their jobs or my life harder if I can help it.

Also, RECORD EVERYTHING!!! You absolutely have a 1st Amendment right to record every interaction, no matter what they say or command. RECORD EVERYTHING! Don't rely on your phone. Body cams and other cameras are not expensive.

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