Raided by ATF


Established Member
Sep 13, 2022
There is no actual threshold for private sales before the ATF can claim you are dealing without a license. The ATF will not put a number in writing. There does not even need to be a profit being made. You don't just need an attorney you need a gun lawyer who has dealt with the federal government before. Selling someone else's guns for them makes you look like a dealer. ( I used to work for an 02/07 who was an expert witness in gun cases) You need to edit what you posted here.


Established Member
Dec 27, 2023
Yeah you should probably delete your original post or the moderators should. You are not helping yourself here. You need an expert gun lawyer and damn the expense, this about more than simply losing your guns.


Established Member
Oct 24, 2023
Birmingham, AL
That is scary! So sorry to hear it. However, selling one or 2 guns a month was sure to attract attention even if it was legal. Hope it all turns out OK for you and they return your property.


Established Member
Aug 3, 2023
So sorry to hear of what happened to you. I've seen a lot of reporting by various GunTubers on YouTube about the weaponized Biden Regime ATF targeting private sellers of personally owned firearms with these new vague rules that they are using to attempt to bring all private sales between private individuals to a screeching halt. It's just the latest in a long lines of schemes that Democrat anti-gunners have come up with to infringe our Second Amendment rights.

Of course all of this will end up being challenged in the courts and I personally believe that this overreach by the ATF will eventually be reined-in by the SCOTUS once they overturn the Chevron decision from 1980's which is what empowered all of these federal bureaucrats to run wild pretending they are some sort of non-elected secondary Congress entitled to impose new laws on the citizens of the United States.

As is often the case with delegated power, abuse of that power is never slow in materializing. Once it does, the people suffer until, finally, the outcry and push-back becomes so great that Congress and/or the Courts are compelled to rein-in the offending agencies. In the meantime we all suffer and as law-abiding citizens we are obliged to re-double our efforts through groups like the GOA (of which I'm a member) to keep up the pressure on our elected officials to address these abuses.

In the interim, I've done the prudent thing and have not sold any of my own firearms since Biden was installed into power in the coup of 2020. I am biding my time until TRUMP re-claims the White House in November. I feel rather confident that the ATF, FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc. are all going to experience a MASSIVE HOUSECLEANING in 2025. They were complicit in screwing Trump in the 2020 election and Trump has blood in his eye for revenge against these felons operating under the color of lawful authority.

It is my fondest wish that TRUMP sweeps the election and comes into office with a Republican majority in both houses so that we can begin DISBANDING these 3-letter agencies and FIRING their employees (who will have to go get REAL JOBS in the private sector). Trump, for example, can dissolve the FBI with the mere stroke of a pen, because it was created by Executive Order in the 1920's - not by an act of Congress.

I sincerely hope that he lays WASTE to all of the 3-letter agencies. But until then, we have to avoid giving these SOB's the rope to hang us with until this unconstitutional rogue REGIME is removed from power by the voters in November - assuming, of course - that we can prevent yet another ELECTION STEAL.

Until then, we live in a banana republic where the rule of law is a joke and a two-tiered justice system is the rule of the day if you are of a conservative mindset. That is why we have a police state over us at the moment who send their sleazy little spies onto every gun forum on the Internet to persecute and intimidate otherwise normal, boring, law-abiding, gun enthusiasts.

It is disgusting and repulsive and un-American, but that's what you get when COMMUNISTS are installed into our White House. Don't like it? Then be dang sure you show up on election day and vote TRUMP. Just my two-cents worth and I don't give a fig if I've ruffled the panties of any lurking Democrats here. Sorry.


Director of Product Enhancement
Nov 7, 2023
Yeah you should probably delete your original post or the moderators should. You are not helping yourself here. You need an expert gun lawyer and damn the expense, this about more than simply losing your guns.
Yep. This type stuff really hurts the whole forum


Established Member
May 24, 2021
Guys, just letting the community know the AFT is out there and is taking names. I was raided by them this morning at 6:30, and they were here for several hours. They took EVERYTHING: all guns, ammo, AR lowers and uppers, and suppressors. I had north of 120 guns, over 70k rounds of ammo of all calibers, and 7 suppressors--all probably over $200k of stuff I've accumulated over many years. All gone. I don't even have a daily carry or a hunting rifle. They also took my phone, my wife's iPad, and my 2 computers. I have no idea if I'll ever get any back or when. They accused me of dealing without a license, and they specifically called out Armslist. They got another friend same time today, and he had over $500k in stuff. You've been warned.


Established Member
Oct 24, 2023
Birmingham, AL
I went to the ATF's site regarding guns sales and who needs an FFL. The rules are very subjective in my opinion. That said I'm surprised the OP, Lee, didn't check out the ATF's rules and regulations. It's pretty obvious to me that regularly selling one or two firearms a month without an FFL will result in a visit from the ATF. Good luck, Lee. It's going to cost you some $$ in legal expenses but I'm confident you can get your firearms back and your record cleared.


Established Member
May 24, 2021
Northeast 'Bama
Guys, just letting the community know the AFT is out there and is taking names. I was raided by them this morning at 6:30, and they were here for several hours. They took EVERYTHING: all guns, ammo, AR lowers and uppers, and suppressors. I had north of 120 guns, over 70k rounds of ammo of all calibers, and 7 suppressors--all probably over $200k of stuff I've accumulated over many years. All gone. I don't even have a daily carry or a hunting rifle. They also took my phone, my wife's iPad, and my 2 computers. I have no idea if I'll ever get any back or when. They accused me of dealing without a license, and they specifically called out Armslist. They got another friend same time today, and he had over $500k in stuff. You've been warned.
Any updates on this situation?

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