Political Forum Closed

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
You have a serious problem with the rules, the truth, reality, your attitudecin general...

Nothing from me in your DMs, hmmm? You claim you work in IT but you seem ignorant of somethibg called "screenshots." Here's one for you.

And I never said I was "trying to make amends" What would I have to make amends to you for: you backstabbibg ne with a Neg Feedback, continuing to call me a "troll"

Yeah sure...show up to get some "amends."
If someone has you on their "ignore" list they wont see you messaging them.

Can we call an end to this now?


Established Member
Mar 13, 2021
Troy, AL
its partially my fault is why I said its for the best right now I should not feed the troll they want attention. I do think I gave him fuel to continue but it should be temporary I do apologize I will probably not look at it for a while but I do see you're point we should not let a few people ruin a whole thread. I did not like disrespect to a vet so I got to invested ill take a chill pill and ignore sorry Dfalt.
No harm done man, I was just stating my opinion on the subject not trying to start an argument


JOHN 3:16
Staff member
Trying to get people you are in an argument with to come and meet you is a big internet NONO. People get killed because some internet commando wants to act the tough guy.

I suggest in the future if someone you are having a disagreement with wants to meet you for whatever reason outside of this forum that you immediately report it to a moderator to be dealt with appropriately.

Be careful out there guys. Some folks are unhinged at best.


Keep most Sales within Alabama and on this Forum.
Mar 22, 2021
Montevallo Alabama
Trying to get people you are in an argument with to come and meet you is a big internet NONO. People get killed because some internet commando wants to act the tough guy.

I suggest in the future if someone you are having a disagreement with wants to meet you for whatever reason outside of this forum that you immediately report it to a moderator to be dealt with appropriately.

Be careful out there guys. Some folks are unhinged at best.
yeah he sent me an "any time" conversation DM I just ignored him didn't respond but seemed strange to say the least


Established Member
Dec 28, 2020
North Alabama
Yeah he did the same to me. I politely refused but that was before I was a moderator. Now Warnings and timeouts for that behavior will be issued or in extreme cases a permaban.
I dont think he ever invited me to come do caveman activities, but he did repeatedly tell me he wanted me dead in one conversion. At least he had the tact to (very poorly) disguise it using a metaphor about "chaff to be threshed". He finally stopped when I told him to say what he really meant.


Established Member
Nov 30, 2020
N. Alabama
Yeah he did the same to me. I politely refused but that was before I was a moderator. Now Warnings and timeouts for that behavior will be issued or in extreme cases a permaban.
I am so proud of Both you my Brothers for Standing Strong in the midst of the Chaos...He Never PMd Me...Never NOT Once...You see the Word Cuts Both ways both to the Deliverer and the Receiver...The Word was cutting him up!!!! Because he was not in line with it....You cannot speak the Truths without Being in Line or it will Shred you as Well..Those words are not mine but the Fathers.....God Bless Both of You Brothers!!!!!


Established Member
Feb 29, 2016
New castle/livingston
As the saying goes your forum your rules the thing is guns cant be talked about without politics often politics are not able to be talked about without crime and crime without race. Its not going away and i do think the "Public image" many gun people worry about is how we will lose our rights sadly.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Jan 27, 2018
Atmore, AL
As the saying goes your forum your rules the thing is guns cant be talked about without politics often politics are not able to be talked about without crime and crime without race. Its not going away and i do think the "Public image" many gun people worry about is how we will lose our rights sadly.
This is one of the things people love to say, over and over, until they are convinced it is true. I talk about guns everyday, and never feel the need to talk about politics. Reality is, a lot of people these days think you can't talk about anything, without talking about politics.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Dec 26, 2015
Birmingham Al
Lets be real politics are a big deal and while I don’t like talking about them a lot of do like to stay informed.
With that being said I think the political forum used correctly could allow members from both sides to see the equator and maybe even come to peace. This isn’t a left vs. right or Democrat vs. republican.
This give each of us to take a different view and approx on things. I love to see past my views and see if from a different perspective.

butterfly effect by Andy Andrew’s.

the forum is open again but I have mods and advisor that will help me make decisions for the forum. as always my inbox is always open and I welcome clear objectives or suggestions. We have a forum for feedback and suggestions and I would love to see different ideas in it.
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